

Hello and welcome!

This About page is still under construction. Necessary contents will be added later on, if the owner of this blog gets her lazy ass working on (ᅌᴗᅌ✿)

For now, let's just say she's a koebuta fujoshi and a seiyuuphile who loves listening to BL & R18 女性向け Drama CDs.

For questions and inquiries, feel free to drop by a message/comment here or you can DM me on Twitter (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)☄



  1. awesome blog T-T thank you very much

  2. hello! is this site for keeping up on drama cd info and reviews? or there are available titles for download? there's a download thread yet no visible links. are there some conditions to be met to see the links?..

  3. Hello! Thank you for your amazing blog giving us lots of precious information about BLCDs.
    I have 'Sasaki to Miyano' that is no-highligted title on your list. Can l join your forum? I'm sooo glad if I would be a member and share missing BLCDs each other. Thank you.

  4. Hello, can I have the access to your blcd streams? I tried to dm you on twitter but you seemed to have blocked the function. Pls let me in. Thank you.
